Ini adalah beberapa contoh pemrograman python versi 3.7
#Challenge 001
fn = str(input("Firstname : "))
sn = str(input("Surname : "))
print("Hello", fn, sn)
#Challenge 002
n1 = str(input("Please enter three number : "))
n2 = n1[0]
n3 = n1[1]
n4 = n1[2]
n5 = int(n2)
n6 = int(n3)
n7 = int(n4)
n8 = (n5 + n6) * n7
print("The answer is", n8)
#Challenge 003
name = str(input("Name : "))
age = int(input("Age : "))
new = age + 1
print(name, "next birthday you will be", new)
#Challenge 004
tag = int(input("Total Price : Rp. "))
user = int(input("Number of diners : "))
pay = tag / user
print("Paid for person is Rp. ",pay)
#Challenge 007
kg = float(input("Input your weight (kg) : "))
gr = kg * 1000
print("Weight : ", gr, "grams")
#Challenge 001
fn = str(input("Firstname : "))
sn = str(input("Surname : "))
print("Hello", fn, sn)
#Challenge 002
n1 = str(input("Please enter three number : "))
n2 = n1[0]
n3 = n1[1]
n4 = n1[2]
n5 = int(n2)
n6 = int(n3)
n7 = int(n4)
n8 = (n5 + n6) * n7
print("The answer is", n8)
#Challenge 003
name = str(input("Name : "))
age = int(input("Age : "))
new = age + 1
print(name, "next birthday you will be", new)
#Challenge 004
tag = int(input("Total Price : Rp. "))
user = int(input("Number of diners : "))
pay = tag / user
print("Paid for person is Rp. ",pay)
#Challenge 007
kg = float(input("Input your weight (kg) : "))
gr = kg * 1000
print("Weight : ", gr, "grams")
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